Contact Us

Feel free to contact us via this form or by one of following:
Phone, Fax to get answers to any questions in regards to purchasing a Refurbished Environmental Test Chamber, Process Oven, High Tech Facility Equipment
or if you have excess inventory you need removed from you facility

Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Hours of Operation: 8am to 5pm
We are not open to the general public: Appointments available for Equipment Inspection.

Contact Form:
Company: Name:
Address: Suite #:
City: State:
Zip Code: Phone:
Email: Required Information
Chamber Requirements:
Temperature: Low Temperature: Heating | Hot Temperature:
Humidity Needed Yes No
Interior Dimensions ( inches) Width Depth Height
Electrical Requirements:
Facility Chilled Water
Type of Control Package:
Data Acquisition Options:
Questions | Comments:

Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 42246
Mesa, 85274

Warehouse | Office:
563 West 3rd Ave
Mesa, AZ. 85210

Phone Phone: 480.889.1092
Fax Fax: 602.532.7545
WWW Link Website:

Purchase a Refurbished Chamber with the Latest Technology in Data Acquistion

Call us at: 480.889.1092